Saturday, November 13, 2010

Too Busy!!

Taking an hiatus from this blog thing for a while! I barely have time for anything anymore, def. don't have time for this! Happy Holidays everyone..maybe I'll check back in the New Year!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weeds Everywhere

Yep, weeds have taken over my life. It just seems like it's been that kind of week where I have no control over anything anymore. My good friend at work was laid off which now has me scrambling trying to learn what she did and missing her great personality at the same time. Nothing is the same there anymore but just need to make the best of it until something better comes along.
On the home front, I just spent an hour outside pulling weeds around the pool and hot tub with Amanda. At least one little section of the yard looks better. The rest has gone to hell. The front is way out of control...but I honestly don't care at the moment. I can't wait to be out of this house and let someone else worry about all this. Apartment life is really starting to appeal to me.
What I really find amusing is that Mr. Local Right Now once looked at the outside of my house and said well at least now you have me to help you with all this. YEA RIGHT! lol That's a joke.
Anyway..enough of my bitching...I need to get the inside cleaned up and the laundry done. Don't you just love weekends?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime? Which are you?

During a recent difficult day when I was questioning everything I have done lately, a dear friend of mine sent me an email which spoke volumes and helped me see things from a different perspective. After reading the email multiple times, I started to feel a clarity in my life and realized that the old saying stands true, "everything does happen for a reason."  Because of the positive effect this had on me, I asked her permission to quote some of it here.

"People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON...It is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be.

When people come into your life for a SEASON...It is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant."

Thank you Bonz, you truly are a Lifetime friend :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

What Would You Do...??

I know what your thinking,  you think I'm going to ask what would you do in my situation. Not this time.

I'm watching ABC's "What Would You Do" and find it absolutely appalling how people treat each other in this day and age. I didn't see it from the beginning but I came in when they had this young, attractive woman sitting at a bar on a first date. When she got up to go to the restroom, her "date" slipped something into her drink. There was a lot of people sitting around the bar but only 1 woman confronted the guy (of course he denied it). Then when he stepped away and the young lady was back, she told her about it.

The 2nd setup was an actress playing a Muslim woman just trying to buy something in a local cafe. The guy told her to get back on her camel and leave. This woman was wearing a head scarf but other than that she spoke perfect English (better than some of the rednecks around here) and she was an AMERICAN. Most people ignored the rude clerk but finally a few customers stood up to him.

Then there was the one where a person fell on a busy sidewalk. People stopped to help the woman almost immediately, but as soon as they had a disheveled actor carrying a beer fall..nobody at all stopped to help him. Then a homeless woman standing nearby begged everyone to please call him an ambulance, still everyone ignored her until one woman finally stopped and helped out the guy laying on the sidewalk. Once she started helping, then others stopped to help. Why didn't they stop before? Just cause he was carrying a beer and looked homeless?

Right now they have a "polygamist" setup going on. Crazy...this girl is only 15. Luckily, a woman sitting nearby heard the young girl begging the others not to make her get married and comes to her rescue. Over 100 diners sat near this woman during the scenario and must have heard what was going on with this "child bride" but only 4 people came forward to help.

It just amazes me that most people will just ignore someone who is in trouble. Is it because they are afraid of getting involved and being sued?  Society is in a sad state.

Just in case you wanted to check it out for is the link to the show...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My brain has turned to mush...

I'm so emotionally drained tonight that I can't even think of a topic. Stay tuned for another segment of this soap opera life of mine when I can think straight...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

SWF Looking for Mr. Right!

I survived another day! I've been laying on my bed the last hour in the dark while listening to my mp3 player and the song Sister Christian by Night Ranger came on. Oh come know it! This line of the song always seems to scream out to me, especially lately..."What's your price for flight
In finding mister right"
Does Mr. Right really exist out there? I feel like I've gone through a few so-called Mr. Rights and they always turn out to be Mr. Way Wrong. Then there's Mr. Right Now..damn he's HOT but so wrong at the same time! Guess I have a thing for bad boys that I didn't realize. Anywhoooo...
Wow, my thoughts are all over the place tonight. So tell me...Mr. you really exist or are you a figment of my imagination? Do I settle for Mr. Right Now or do I wait for you? I know you're out there somewhere...1930 miles away maybe?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday!

So here's another typical day in my life. My 8-5 job was uneventful. Just the usual Monday chaos and trying to keep the men at work happy. Ok, that didn't sound quite I work in an aerospace manufacturing facility where the majority of the workforce is men. The executive team is all men except for our CFO, the engineering department (I use that term loosely) is men except for their assistant, and so on. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of eye candy in our plant (not that I'm looking heehee) but the mixture of personalities make up for that. There never seems to be a lack of drama going on with these guys and most times it can be quite amusing! Anyway...that's 8-5. Fast forward to 5 pm, quitting time: By 5:06 I'm home and making dinner while signing into my parttime MT job. Quick dinner while I work for a couple hours trying to understand the jibberish the doctor is spitting out while he's taking a pee or whatever else he was doing before he flushed the toilet. Then it's off to Hellmart aka Walmart to get groceries. Oh yes, let's discuss how much fun shopping can be with the freaks of Palm Bay out in full force. I'm sure y'all have seen the website, if not you must check it out! I swear half those photos come from our store. Anyway, tonight was no different with the usual rednecks and God knows what else those things were, but the one that annoyed me the most was this woman strutting around in her stilletos with her bluetooth device in her ear, short little skirt, and her ipod in her bra..but she wasn't listening to it with earbuds...NOOOOO..she had to share her "Retards Attempting Poetry (RAP)" with all of the store. My head was pounding by the time I got to the checkout. Guess who gets in the line next to me! Ok, now I'm ready to strangle the shit out of this woman! And wouldn't you know it, this ipod,, scantly dressed @#%&#@^ is using food stamps! I wonder if that BMW out in the lot was hers too! Oh don't get me started on the people that take advantage of the system! Whew...I feel better now :)

Now it's almost 9:30, almost time to get to bed and do it all over again tomorrow without the trip to Hellmart.  I think I need a Cap'n and Coke first! Cheers all! :)